Established in 1945, Secours Populaire is recognized by public utility and declared a national cause, focusing on the areas of food aid, clothing, access and maintenance in housing, access to healthcare, socio-professional integration, access to culture and more generally access to rights for all.
Their mission is to act against poverty and exclusion in France and around the world and to promote solidarity and its values. It brings together people of all opinions, conditions and origins who wish to live solidarity. In 2017, Secours populaire helped 3.3 million people in France and around the world. Beyond the borders, more than ever, Secours populaire is mobilizing to globalize solidarity: with more than 150 emergency actions and sustainable development programs conducted with dozens of partners in some 50 countries, the association carries the values of popular education, works over time to help the most vulnerable. Through its 1256 permanent reception, solidarity and health relay (PAS), the Secours populaire strives, throughout the territory, to respond to individual situations that it faces, adapting to the case by case, respecting the dignity of each person and their autonomy, with an important stake: helping people in difficulty to get out of the spiral of poverty and allow them to participate in the solidarity movement. In recent years, volunteers have seen an incessant increase in the number of people who come to seek help in the hotlines, solidarity and health relay of the FPS.
LAUT is a firm believer that time will tell everything. After over 70 years of dedicated work, Secours populaire has made a positive impact on the society and the people who have received help from them.
Our team here at LAUT was touched and inspired by the incredible work French Secours Populaire is doing, and believe their hard work deserves to be shared far and wide.
If like us, you would like to support French Secours Populaire, you can find more information on how to donate here: