Cancer Research UK is the world’s largest charity dedicated to saving lives through research.
Their vision is to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.
Over the past 40 years their researchers have made great progress in the fight against cancer, and survival has doubled. It is the only charity to fund research into all 200 types of cancer.
Their policy department develops evidence-based policy to inform Government decisions related to cancer and research and communicate their views to key decision makers.
By working closely with Government, they ensure that Government’s policies tackle the major risk factors for cancer including alcohol, obesity, diet and sun awareness.
Cancer Research UK holds the strong belief that diagnosing cancer early must remain a priority in the health service. They work to ensure that diagnosing cancer early stays at the top of the agenda and people with cancer in the UK can access the best treatments for them, including surgery, radiotherapy and cancer drugs.
By supporting science, they work to ensure that the UK has the necessary skills, funding, infrastructure and regulation for them to complete world class research.
By monitoring NHS reforms, cancer plans, waiting times and a range of other measures across the UK to help ensure patients are getting the best care.
By working with governments in Westminster, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Europe to campaign on issues important to our scientists and supporters.
At LAUT, we believe that all of us are strongly inspired by their pioneering attitudes towards the unknown and their striving for the beneficiaries of the human.
By supporting Cancer Research UK, more causes, prevention and treatment of cancer can be found and developed. More people affected by cancer can live a better life.
If like us, you would like to support Cancer Research UK, you can find more information on how to donate here: