Hong Kong Dog Rescue was founded in 2003 for the specific purpose of saving dogs and puppies from the Hong Kong Government’s Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) Animal Management Centres, where thousands of dogs and puppies are destroyed every year. They are homeless and unwanted, and have just four days to live unless they are chosen for rehoming.

The organisation has cared for and re-homed more than 9,500 dogs while being largely funded by private donations, sales of Hong Kong Dog Rescue merchandises and fundraising events. HKDR is proud to be a No Kill Organisation, meaning that no dog under its care will be euthanized for any reason other than when it is the only humane option.
Rehoming is only one part of HKDR’s work done for homeless dogs and puppies, they also offer education programs for dog lovers, students, adults, schools and organisations as they believe that education is a key solution to animal abandonment and abuse. Their Education & Training Centre opened in 2013 has been offering classes and workshops to help improve dog-human understanding and so reduce the number of pets being abandoned.
Over 10-plus years of experience in the field of dog rescue work provides a solid base to support their efforts in teaching and promoting responsible pet ownership, correct attitudes towards dogs and their welfare, and positive reinforcement, reward-based training for all companion animals,
At LAUT we are in total admiration of the work HKDR do, on a daily basis. Now more than ever is an important time to support and strengthen this integral community initiative.
If like us, you would like to support Hong Kong Dog Rescue, you can find more information on how to donate here: https://hongkongdogrescue.com/donate/one-off-donations/