Charity Spotlight - CoronaCare

Charity Spotlight - CoronaCare

CoronaCare is a platform, connecting concerned South Africans with organisations on the ground supporting those in need during the Covid-19 pandemic. With close to half of South Africans living in informal settlements combined with high rates of pre-existing health conditions, the old and impoverished are highly vulnerable during this pandemic.

They are collaborating and optimising resources to make sure that no South African is left behind in this time of crisis and collecting monetary donations as well as products in need in order to optimise the supply of essential and preventative goods to vulnerable South Africans during this pandemic.

By partnering with key strategic organisations around the country, they are able to distribute and supply the necessary products to the needy in time.

We know there should be a lot to be done in South Africa, especially now. By supporting CoronaCare, we hope South Africans can have more resources to improve their situations gradually and fitfully.

If you would like to support CoronaCare, you can find more information here: